Tag : Thinning hair
5 Way to stop female baldness
Answering questions: What causes excessive hair loss?

Hair is something that many people pay special attention to because it is one of the essential elements of the face that helps enhance the appearance and personality. Therefore, it is very important to take care of and nourish your hair to keep it healthy at all times.

It is normal for hair to fall out every day naturally. However, when too may hairs fall out, it can be a sign of a worrying problem. What causes this problem? What are the ways to treat it? Namnin will help you clear your doubts.

What causes excessive hair loss?

The severity of hair loss varies from person to person. Normally, about 50-100 strands of human hair fall out each day, which is considered normal because there are up to 100,000 strands of hair on the head. Hair shedding is a natural process of hair growth cycle, the new hair replaces the gone one.

Unfortunately, as we age, the density of our hair decreases as well. As the hair's life cycle is shorter, hair falls out more frequently. The hair will gradually thin out and may no longer grow for replacement.

In addition, genetics is a common cause of hair loss. If most of members in the family have thinning hair, it can be passed on genetically as well. Other factors that cause hair loss are:

  • Stress
  • Pollution
  • Illnesses such as scalp infections, diseases causing wounds on the scalp, and thyroid disease, etc.
  • Surgery
  • Hormonal changes such as pregnancy, postpartum condition, or menopause.
  • Effects of medications used to treat cancer, depression, or high blood pressure.
  • Crash diets
  • Fever (High Temperature)
  • Nutrient deficiency, such as iron or protein deficiency, etc.

When is it called “excessive hair loss”?

Each day, it is normal for hair to fall out, but the amount will be very small compared to the total amount of hair on the head. In most cases, women will have more hair loss than men, approximately 100-150 strands, depending on the condition of the hair and overall health.

For men, an average of 50-60 strands of hair will be lost each day. If it is more than this, you should notice that an abnormality is occurring. It is not necessary to count the exact number of hair strands, but you can observe it yourself by observing the amount of hair that falls when you wash and comb your hair, and those fall on your pillow or on the floor.

How can excessive hair loss be treated?
Hair loss is a problem that causes great concern, but there are possible ways to treat it as follows:

Taking vitamin supplements 

The first method that can help treat hair loss is taking vitamin supplements. Whenever the body lacks certain nutrients that are necessary for the hair, it will cause the hair roots to become weak and easily fall out.

Namnin's hair nourishing vitamin, namely VITAMIN H, helps nourish the hair follicles so that there are sufficient nutrients for hair regeneration. Hair will be denser and stronger. VITAMIN H combines the benefits of:

  • Extracts from brown rice and cactus help reduce oiliness and inflammation of the scalp
  • Biotin helps strengthen hair
  • Zinc Gluconate helps promote hair growth
  • Iron Amino Acid Chelate helps reduce hair loss and add nutrients to feed the hair follicles 
  • Vitamin B Premix helps nourish hair to make it soft, smooth, and healthy.

All of these hair nourishing nutrients are already packed in VITAMIN H. Beautiful and healthy hair starts with strong hair roots.

Taking medicine as prescribed by the doctor

Another way, the most effective way, to treat and end the problem of excessive hair loss is to see a doctor to analyze the root cause of the problem and design the most appropriate treatment. The doctor will prescribe medication to reduce hair loss based on the symptoms and causes of hair loss. Doctors often prescribe both topical and oral medications, or additional procedures may be performed depending on the hair problem.

Hair nourishing treatment

Hair nourishing treatment is another method that can help treat hair loss as well. It helps stimulate the hair growth and also helps nourish and maintain existing hair to be stronger.

If you are looking for an effective hair nourishing treatment with satisfactory results, we’d like to recommend Namnin Premium Hair Booster treatment, a uniquely innovative hair root nourishing treatment.

Premium Hair Booster will stimulate the hair follicles for better hair growth from within and also help the hair follicles repair themselves and resume functional more efficiently.

Low-Level Laser Therapy

Low Level Laser Therapy or LLLT is a form of medicine that applies low-level (low-power) lasers or light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to the surface of the scalp. It stimulates hair follicles and hair growth by boosting blood circulation to optimize the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles and improve the cell functionality.

Hair transplantation

Another sustainable way to deal with hair loss is hair transplantation. This method is very notable these days because its results can be seen distinctively. At Namnin, we are now offering a state-of-the-art hair transplant program, namely NEAT.

NEAT Technique is a uniquely special technique developed by Namnin where every procedure is under the supervision of a doctor with expertise in treatment and problem analysis and evaluation. Treatment planning is tailored to each individual's problems. Every single hair graft is implanted by a doctor only to ensure that the patient will have a beautiful hairline with the right direction and orientation of hair. With NEAT, recovery is nothing to be mentioned.

If you are facing the problem of thinning hair, don't worry! Namnin offers a variety of solutions that can effectively treat and alleviate your hair loss symptoms. However, if you have noticed a sign of thinning hair, you should not leave it. We recommend that you consult a doctor immediately to evaluate the symptoms and find appropriate treatment methods so that you can prevent it from becoming more severe, uncontrollable, or even unmanageable, which means a higher price to pay.

Is it time to treat your "Hair Loss"?
It's normal for your hair to fall out every day naturally. When hair falls out, new hair will grow to replace it endlessly throughout the life of the hair owner. It’s a natural matter.

But how do we know that each day the number of hairs that fall out when we wash and comb our hair, or fall on the pillow, becomes a problem of “hair loss”, “thinning hair”, or “baldness” that we have to worry about? Do we need to consult a doctor or get treatment immediately before it's too late?

The symptom of “hair loss” can be the result of many factors. One of them, which we are all familiar with, is “Hereditary hair loss” that is passed down in families from generation to generation. Although genetics is the main cause of hair loss in men, women have a chance of genetic hair loss but in different amounts.

Not only that, the following causes may also increase women's risk of hair loss:
  • Aging
  • Congenital disease
  • Hormone levels 
  • Postpartum condition
  • Stress

Everyday behaviors, which you may have done without realizing that they can cause weakened hair and hair loss, are the matters you should avoid:
Excessive use of harsh chemicals and heat hair styling 
  • Washing your hair the wrong way
  • Poor nutrition and crash diets
  • Sleeping late and lack of sleep
  • Smoking and tobacco use

As for how to observe whether your hair loss symptom is still at a normal level or you should hurry to see a doctor for a treatment, it can be observed by “the number of hairs that fall out”. Normally, up to 70 - 100 strands of hair fall out a day. If more than that amount of hair falls out for several days in a row, there’s something wrong.

In addition to this, various patterns of hair loss may also be observed, such as thinning of hair all over your scalp, not just in one area or patch, or known as “acute alopecia”. Each person will lose more or less hair, but it will not reach the level of baldness. It is caused by the hair entering the Telogen Phase, a resting period, due to diseases as well as mental conditions like stress, anxiety, and depression.

In some cases, the symptom “Alopecia areata” may occur. Alopecia areata is a disease that happens when the immune system attacks hair follicles and causes hair loss. Causes of Alopecia areata include stress and lack of sleep. If it’s caused by genetics, you will notice that the hair thinning begins around the hair part first and then expands to the sides.

Therefore, if you feel that you are experiencing unusually excessive hair loss, the first thing you should do is to come talk and consult with Namnin's expert doctor. Your doctor will help you make a personalized diagnosis to determine the root cause of your hair loss, and then design an appropriate treatment program. In addition to treatment by taking hair loss medication as recommended by the doctor, the doctor will recommend the following alternatives for nourishing the hair and relieving hair loss symptom safely:

  • Elixir Hair Serum by NEAT HAIRNUE obtained from 100% natural ingredients to gently nourish the hair.
  • VITA H, derived from medical research, comprises carefully selected vitamins and beneficial extracts to deeply nourish the hair roots.
  • Injecting Premium Hair Booster directly into the scalp in areas with thinning hair problems to stimulate the hair follicles, reducing hair falls, accelerating new hair growth, and strengthening the hair. The result is that thin and flat hair becomes thicker and denser.

Importantly, in the process of hair loss treatment, there is a success factor that cannot be overlooked, which is, "time". That is, the sooner we notice abnormalities and consult a doctor at an early stage, the greater the chance of most effectively hair restoration and revitalization.

The gender differences in hair loss and thinning hair
Breaking down the gender differences in hair loss and thinning hair!
Hair loss is an unwanted matter because it is both a burden and a loss of confidence, affecting your appearance and attractiveness.

Did you know that hair loss and thinning hair is a common occurrence in both men and women, but the severity varies from person to person due to various factors like age? Hair loss and thinning hair often causes problems in living life especially for women whose hairstyling is as important as clothing.  That is the reason why women pay so much attention to their hair.

Understanding the differences between male and female hair loss

The problem of thinning hair in women usually begins at the parting area, where the scalp can be clearly visible. Then, as the days go by, the hair keeps falling out even more and the bald spot along the parting has expanded, creating a bald spot on the top of the head.

The problem of thinning hair in women is usually caused by hormones and genetics. The severity of thinning hair in women can be divided into three main stages:

  • First stage: In this stage, you will notice that your hair is thinner than usual until the hair part becomes wider and the scalp at the hair parting area is getting clearly visible;
  • Second stage: In this stage, it can be considered a moderate thinning hair problem. You will experience a wider parting and more clearly visible scalp than in the first stag;
  • The final stage: In this stage, the hair is noticeably thinner. The hair part has become widened so that a broad area of the scalp is clearly visible.

Hair Loss and Thinning Hair in Men

Commonly, male hair loss begins as a receding hairline or on the top of head. It may occur on the both areas or on one of them. If this hair loss problem is allowed to continue, baldness will knock on your door eventually and you will become bald with hair remaining only behind your ears and on the lower back of head.

The problem of thinning hair in men is generally caused by the DHT hormone which is very potent in stimulating hair follicles. When DHT levels are too high, they can overstimulate hair follicles. This causes the hair become smaller, finer, and lighter. The hair becomes thin and weak. In the case of male pattern baldness, we often see that the hair is still growing on the back of the head. That area is called a Safe Donor Area, that is, it is an area where the hair is not influenced by the aforementioned DHT hormone. This Safe Donor Area is found only in males.

What are the differences between male and female hair thinning?

When comparing the differences in female and male thinning hair, it is found that female thinning hair tends to occur on the top of the head or all over the head rather than on the frontal hairline. Thinning hair in women may not always be solved by a hair transplant because women don’t have Safe Donor Area. This results in women usually having insufficient useable hair and the hair roots are not strong enough for hair transplant.

Can women get a hair transplant? How should women solve the problem of thinning hair?

Although the problem of thinning hair in women and men is different, it should be treated and solved timely to prevent it from becoming unsolvable.  

As women do not have a Safe Donor Area that can be used for transplantation, a hair transplant alone may not be the perfect solution for them. Hair nourishment is something necessary.

At Namnin, we recommend Premium Hair Booster treatment to help women restore the healthy hair. Premium Hair Booster can directly address the problem of thinning hair effectively and can be used to improve the result of hair transplant as well. Premium Hair Booster is an effective way to reverse hair loss in both women and men, regardless of the cause. Continuously nourishing your hair with Premium Hair Booster treatment can help prevent hair loss from becoming an irreversible problem. If you receive the Premium Hair Booster treatment after undergoing the hair transplant, it will help boost the result pleasantly. Although hair loss and thinning hair is a common problem, don’t ignore it until it becomes a severe problem. Always observe any abnormality so that you can find the solution timely.

Whether you are a woman or a man, please feel free to ask for our guidance about receiving Premium Hair Booster injection, or other services and products that meet your needs and help to restore healthy hair, enhance your smile and boost your confidence.